Real Power
There is real power in what we say. What we say, has an astonishing and sometimes sad affect on our and others’ lives. By the way, when I talk about the power of what we say, this also includes what we say in writing (such as in text messages, emails, comments and messages on social networking sites etc.). Here’s a couple of examples:
A Sad Example
Young people are more susceptible to the power of words than adults. So susceptible that from time to time you hear of young people killing themselves through the stress of bullying. Sometimes this bullying is just verbal and not physical! You’ve heard it yourself in the news where young people commit suicide and you wonder why. Then you read the article and find that the youngster had received abusive or threatening messages by text or through some sort of online social networking site.
There was one young girl recently who killed herself by jumping under a train. I’m not going to relate the full story here, you can go to Google and find many such stories and all of them have the same underlying theme.
- There was a certain amount of torment from others in their lives – The Power In What We Say
- The decision to take their lives was ‘uncharacteristic’ – The young person’s emotions were affected enough to take drastic action
Changing Just A Little
I’ve mentioned this elsewhere but it is worth mentioning again: Change the words around in what you were about to say about yourself (or someone else) and the difference is amazing! You can easily turn a soul destroying, negative and hopeless comment into one that has possibilities, that can inspire someone (you?) to build up and inspire hope for the future.
As you know, much of what I write is about ‘Future Thinking‘. Future Thinking is about thinking positive yes, but it goes further than that. I would also say that Future Thinking is a more realistic approach, a more practical (future thinking) approach to yours and others’ future. Future Thinking asks you to be positive if you can, but also asks you to think about the affect on the future (of a given situation) in your actions and words.
So, back to changing the words you say and write to say something completely different with Future Thinking in mind.
This YouTube video illustrates not just the Power of Words but in the way we phrase them. It’s just over a minute long so watch it now:
Changing Our Lives Through The Power Of Words
Start considering what you say to yourself as well as to others. When you talk to yourself, you can hear it! It doesn’t have to be out loud for your subconscious to take on board what you are saying! When you change what you are saying, it would be better to say it out loud as I believe there is more power in what you say than in what you say ‘in your head’.
I bet you’ve heard this sort of conversation loads of times:
Person 1 – “I’ll never get a second interview for that job”
Person 2 – “How come?”
Person 1 – “I reckon I’m too young” (or old, or something else)
Person 2 – “You’re probably right”
Well person 2 is probably right! If person 1 thinks and says that, then they probably are right! If person 1 does get an interview, she/he will be surprised and will quite possibly the wrong mindset when going in to the interview. One of (“What am I doing here, they will never choose me” etc..)
Why not think first and then say something like:
Person 1 “Hmm I wonder if I’ll get a second interview for that job?”
Person 2 “You have the skills”
Person 1 “Yeah, I’m young and full of energy” (or: “I’m experienced and have great composure”)
Person 2 “Then if the company want someone like you, you have a great chance”
Person 1 “Yeah, I do don’t I!”
Of course, the situation hasn’t changed (yet) but what if person 1 was asked back for another interview? Then person 1 is likely thinking “Ah they DO want someone young like me!”. Immediately, they will have a positive attitude when going for that second interview and will no doubt be thinking how they can influence the interviewer to consider them for the job! Consequently the situation is more likely to end up favourable than if they had in their minds that they were too young (or old)!
Person 2 in the above example also changed what they were saying. If person 1 does get a second interview, then person 1 will have a much better attitude at the second interview and may even get the job because of it!
Here’s a challenge
Change what you say and think with Future Thinking in mind and see how you feel in a week or a months time. Future Thinking like this will allow us to think realistically but positively too. It can seem hard though I understand that. It seems that all to often our natural inclination is to be negative and you will find yourself catching what you say. This is ok, If you notice what you say is wrong, then you are on the right track to permanently changing what you say with amazing results.
- Pause before speaking – Consider other things to say!
- Speak slower – give your mind a chance to catch up!
- Check out “Look 6 months back and 6 months forward [Future Thinking]” for a bigger picture of how you can think in this way